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- Submarine Sex Entertains Daily Mail Readers
- Shot at Dawn: Honour Our Dead – Get the Facts Right
- 25th Anniversary of the Largest (and shortest) Tank Battle in History
- USN Seal Admiral Dick Lyon dies aged 90
- 25 Years Ago: IRA Mortar Hits 10 Downing Street
- 25 Years Ago Today: the Iraq Army Invades Saudi Arabia
- 25 Years Ago Today: Iraq Floods Oil into Gulf
- The Lethality of Counter Terrorism Compared with War
- Cowardly Political Prosecutions of Old Soldiers
- Five Ways to Lose a Cyber War
- Prosecuting Old Soldiers in Northern Ireland
- US Navy Seals’ 70th Anniversary Film
- Bombing Daesh – More Thought Please
- Intelligence Chief Says I Invaded Argentina
- The Cost of War is not paid by the Government
- Surveillance Technology ‘versus” Terrorists Experiment
- Advice to our Enemies: Shoot First, then take us to Court.
- USA Fighting the Wrong Wars
- Russians are Not Fools!
- ISIS Extremism is a Good Thing
- D-Day and Media Enthusiasm for War
- No Comment from Putin – or Obama
- MP Complains about subsidised boozing! – in the Army
- One Fifth of British Army Medically Non-Deployable
- Playing the Yanks and their Allies for fools
- The Heart of Darkness Falls Across Us All
- German Left Wing Leader attacks German support for ‘Fascist” Ukraine Government
- Ideologists stirring it up in Crimea
- Would Obama Tolerate an Armed Revolution in Mexico?
- The MoD Really Must Start Caring for its People – NOW
- How Do We Win the Afghan War?
- How to deal with Stalkers, Muggers & Road Ragers
- “Marine A”: are we too flakey with liberal confusion to support our own people?
- Sergeant A – headcams and the Snuff Movie defence
- Security Forces’ “Crimes” in Northern Ireland
- We should be remembering Veterans while they’re still alive.
- After Afghanistan: getting back to “normal”….
- Self-Awareness as a Survival Mechanism – and Duty
- A Litmus Test for War: Britain’s National Interests
- Consequences of All British Military Action Requiring Parliamentary Approval
- Pork-Barrel Lobbyists, Fit Women and the Threat to US Democracy
- Kofi Annan says Blair could have stopped Iraq Invasion
- The Tank is Dead, Long Live the Tank
- In Praise of Bean Counters (not really)
- Carriers, Balancing the Books and Commonsense
- Falkland Islands – vital military requirements to ensure the next 30 years’ independence
- Carrier Cameron – the admiral takes the helm
- Cameron must demand another Operation Safe Haven in north-east Syria
- Falklands oil rig protection – a few practical problems…
- Test-exploding a nuclear bomb makes Iran much LESS safe than it is now
- Space and the futility of war
- News International Phone Hacking and Bereaved Forces Families
- Hague Dutchbat Verdict should make UN operations more effective
- The Hague, justice, international concensus – military arrest missions and a new order?
- Falkland Islanders: heads in the sands, or desperate not to rock the boat?
- Arab “Spring” revolutions turning into regional war.
- Why do politicians continue to believe that air power on its own can get results?
- An Arab “NATO” with Nuclear Weapons?
- Air Power, Blame and Nation-Building
- Arab-Style Revolution – a better model?
- Afghan military costs alone, exceed country’s worth
- Forget the snow – new threat to London transit hubs
- China disputes Japanese news report of nuclear ‘first-strike’
- China lowers the threshold of its nuclear threats
- Politcal Legitimacy for the Taliban?
- The Hazards of Journalism
- Afghanistan and Iraq – a clash of ideologies, or terrorism?
- Ends and Means – the Great Game is not “Defeating” the Taliban
- Falkland Islanders believe UK defence cuts leave them safe from Argentine territorial ambitions…
- Armed Forces – the Nations’ All-Risk Insurance policy
- Warfighting and Torture
- The Limitations of Interrogation
- George W Bush Defends Waterboarding
- UK Carriers’ Shipbuilder Denounces Project as “Loony Tunes Disaster”
- “Situating the appreciation” of UK’s new National Security Strategy
- India doesn’t want our Harrier jets – is this a surprise?
- Brown’s Selfish Pleading for Rosyth Jobs
- BBC World Service’ Contribution to UK Security
- You Can’t have Aircraft Carriers without a proper Navy
- The Internet is Dangerous for New Writers
- Cyber Warfare
Psychology and PTSD