German Left Wing Leader attacks German support for ‘Fascist” Ukraine Government

Gregor_gysi_20050705_4 Gregor Gysi is a parliamentary head of the largest lower-house opposition party in Germany – the Left Party, today attacked Angela Merkel’s support for sanctions against Russia.

“They [the Ukraine revolutionaries] formed a new government….. Immediately recognized by president Obama by the EU and German government as well. Miss Merkel! The vice- prime minister, the defense minister, minister of agriculture, environment minister, the attorney general.. They are fascists!”

“With fascists in Ukraine we are doing nothing. Svoboda party has tight contacts with NPD and other Nazi parties in Europe..”

Gysi read a quote from Tyagnibok the leader of the nationalist, All-Ukranian Union party “Svobada”, in which he publicly urged people in Ukraine to “Grab the guns, fight the Russian pigs, the Germans, the Jews pigs and others.”

“And with these Svoboda people we are still in conversation! I find it as a scandal!”

He recalls urging caution back in 2008 when Kosovo independence from Serbia was approved:

“With Kosovo, they opened Pandora’s box. What’s allowed for Kosovo, you should also allow for others. I told you this but you haven’t listened to me. Winning the Cold War has eclipsed everything for you, you forgot about everything else.”

A precedent having been set, this desire for independence Gysi says has now spread:

“The Basques are asking why can’t they make their choice, whether they want to stay within Spain or not? Catalonians are asking, why can’t they decide whether they want to belong to Spain or not. Of course people living in Crimea are asking the same thing.”

“I think that Crimea breaking away from Ukraine is just the same as Kosovo. I knew Putin would use this argument, and he did”.

Gysi now urges that all parties find agreement:

“It must be found, such status for the Crimea, which will be acceptable for Ukraine, Russia, and us.”

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